Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Welcome 2014!

As one of my New Year resolutions, I have decided to enjoy 2014 to the fullest! This includes keeping abreast of my most favorite passion (besides my children and vintage hand bags), the love of fermented grapes. The holidays are now over and it's time to settle into great winter wines. I'm a huge fan of the local vineyards. At this point of the season everyone is trying to keep warm from the Maryland frost and are starting to plan for the upcoming spring and summer season of fun and festivals. In October 2013, I was able to assist a local vineyard with their fall harvest. This included picking and bundling grapes right off of the vine. The experience was one of a lifetime and I intend to join them every year from now on. I know what you are thinking, "did we get a chance to stomp grapes with our bare feet"? Unfortunately, we did not. But that has always been a dream of mine, thanks to that famous episode of the TV show I Love Lucy. To my adored Oenophile's, look forward to a new year full of exciting blog posting, videos, and hopefully a new Pod Cast station. 


I Heart Fermented Grapes

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