Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Uncorked in Rockville Maryland ....

The summer of 2014 may be coming to an end but the wine festivals continue through October. Enters the Uncorked Wine and Music Festival in Rockville, MD. I love the wineries, music and cooking demonstrations. This event is not one to miss. 

Check out the website to more details

*Photo courtesy of

Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer, Summer, Summer Time- Rose' Wine

OMG! What a summer? I have been learning so much about wine that I've not had time to do what I do best, "write about it"! One of my obsessions this season of sunshine has been dry rose'. I am totally in love with the saignée method of producing rose' wine. Saignée is a method of rosé production that involves bleeding off the juice after limited contact with the skins. What's left is a beautiful dark pink colored vino fermented primarily in stainless steel. I have tried a few dry rose' this summer and my favorite is from Old Westminster Winey. Maryland wine, Oh Yeah!!! Their Rose' is deliciously crafted using the signee' method. It leaves the vino smelling of crisped fresh berries chilled especially for summer wine tasting. 

Check out the website:
*picture curtesy of*